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Marriage, Not Dating 2014

Every couple goes through the stages of relationships at their own pace. But three months is considered to be the average length of the first stage of a relationship. According to psychotherapist and relationship coach, Toni Coleman, LCSW, you should be ideally making that transition from “casually dating” to “exclusive” around that time. But this varies depending on how much time you actually spend together and how much distance is between you two.

Enlisting the help of a professional can be immensely helpful, especially if you and your spouse feel as if you’re running in circles, with the same issues arising. While some people think that boundaries create more distance or separation, try to think of boundaries as creating clear expectations for your relationship. In many cases, there are plenty of ways that you and your spouse can develop the skills needed to succeed in your marriage. Here are some things you can do to fix a struggling marriage.

You’re annoyed with your partner 24/7.

In the year 2000 same-sex marriage was not legal in any country – 20 years later it was legal in 32 countries. More than half of the countries that allow same-sex marriage are in Western Europe. But there are several Western European countries that still do not allow them. In Italy, Switzerland and Greece same-sex marriage is not legal, although in these countries there are alternative forms of recognition for same-sex couples. You can create similar charts for both men and women across all countries, using the UN World Marriage Data site here. This lets you explore in more detail the distribution of marriages by age across time, for both men and women.

How to Live a Full Life (Without Compromising on What Truly Matters)

In earlier generations, couples married for logistical reasons such as property ownership or social status and hoped love was somewhere in the mix. They seek marriage for lifelong friendship, pleasure, and connection. For many couples, with marriage comes the merging of assets. Even if you maintain separate bank accounts, how you spend your money is inevitably going to be a topic of conversation — and possibly a fraught one. In marriage, financial habits that we once found bearable or even attractive in our partners can become points of contention. “We’re typically drawn to people who are different from us,” Richmond says.

The undervaluing happens when everyone else other than the spouse gets back-burnered, including long-time friends. If your marriage lacks emotional connection or intimacy, you can usually still fix it. However, if you and your spouse are not even friends, that’s a much bigger problem.

What to do when he doesn’t want to marry you?

Interestingly, more couples than ever are moving in together before (or in lieu of) getting married. A long-term romantic relationship doesn’t have to focus on marriage as the ultimate goal. As long as your relationship sustains you, satisfies you, and grows as you grow, there’s no reason to change any of that because you feel societal pressure to do so. For instance, when Anna and Ben got married, it was right for them at that time.

He downplays the seriousness of your relationship

It’s your responsibility to build a strong emotional connection with your partner and continue your efforts to enhance attraction over the lifetime of your relationship. When she first met Arthur, Rachel had already known she wanted to settle down with someone for the long term — but even still, she’s never been interested in getting married. Her parents are divorced, so marriage has never been particularly important to her. She understands why a couple might enjoy the comfort they get from making a public commitment to each other, but everyone she knows already understands the level of commitment between her and Arthur.

In many cases, Feuerman explains, marriages suffer from communication issues that one partner recognizes and the other refuses to acknowledge. This might happen because one person’s life goals have shifted, or they feel like their concerns are never taken seriously. In other cases, both partners find themselves trapped in unhealthy patterns (constant bickering, for example) and detach because they’re just too exhausted. Some affairs are simply about sex, whereas others are about receiving emotional intimacy from someone else. While it might feel good in the moment to have another person meet your needs, it’s often a distraction from addressing issues within your marriage. While marriage talk may not arise in the very beginnings of a relationship, it is important that you are upfront with your potential partners about your feelings, even if you know they may change.

If your partner will not attend counseling with you, consider going to individual therapy to talk about your feelings in a safe space. This could be particularly helpful if you have issues you don’t feel comfortable discussing in front of your partner. For example, you may be concerned about timelines for starting a family. Through individual therapy, you can work through these issues and find the best solutions for your long-term happiness. If you decide to commit yourself to one person for life, then that means taking on all risks, including not getting what you want or need at any given time. Commitment helps bridge gaps between differences; it provides safety nets against loneliness and can help grow connections as partners work together towards common goals.

But, if either spouse is not willing to put in the effort to fix a failing marriage, it may be time to contact a local attorney experienced in divorce law. Our Pinehurst, NC family law attorneys have witnessed firsthand just how destructive and unhealthy some marriages can be. We’ve witnessed many clients who seek a divorce experience how a marriage that is not working out can negatively affect each spouse, their children, and their family unit as a whole. How do you know if you and your spouse are headed for divorce?